1- A demonstration against the regime in the center of the city of as-Suwayda with the participation of Arab tribes
2- Demonstrations against the regime in Busra al-Sham, Jassim, and Tafas (Daraa Governorate)
3- Al-Julani meets with the Druze of Idlib and supports the protesters in as-Suwayda
4- The Kurdish SDF militia insults Arab civilians and uses them as human shields
5- Alert And intermittent clashes between the Arab tribes and SDF in Deir Ezzor
6- News of a truce agreement between the tribes of Deir Ezzor and SDF under American pressure
7- Deaths and injuries in a clash between SDF and the National Army north of Aleppo
8- The Kurdish Autonomous Administration (SDF state) raises the price of bread by 200% and reduces its production
9- The United Nations: 69 killed, 96 injured, and thousands were displaced in Deir Ezzor clashes
10- Jordan’s Foreign Minister: We face a major challenge from drug smuggling from Syria
11- A former Saudi official: The regime does not control drugs and normalization is a failure