1- The United Nations rejects the regime’s conditions for the entry of aid to liberated areas
2- The regime stipulated that the United Nations does not deal with the factions, and that the regime undertake the distribution
3- Germany and Britain are in favor of a UNSC resolution rather than relying on the regime
4- The USA: We will use all methods to deliver aid to Syrians
5- Press estimates: Turkey deports 100 Syrians to the liberated areas everyday (at this rate, deporting Syrians from Turkey takes 100 years)
6- Istanbul stopped granting residency to new coming foreigners (who do not already have residencies)
7- The number of foreigners in Istanbul is 1.2 million, including 535 thousand Syrians
8- Turkey kills an official in the Kurdish units who killed 40 civilians in the liberated area in 2020
9- The USA: We have reinforced our forces in Syria to confront the harassment of Russia, Iran and the regime
10- The USA: Russian activity is escalating in Syria, but we do not seek to have a confrontation
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