– WSJ: 1- Saudi efforts to bring back the regime to the Arab League are faced with rejection
o 2- Morocco links accepting the return of the regime to the Arab League with ending its support for the Polisario Front
o 3- Efforts to bring the regime back to the Arab League are unlikely to succeed
– Qatar reaffirms its rejection to the return of the regime to the Arab League
– The regime’s Foreign Minister arrives in Saudi Arabia for the first time in 12 years
– New Lines Institute: the regime uses drugs as a bargaining chip for normalizing relations with it
– USA: normalization with the regime should not be a gift without anything in exchange
– HTS bombs a troops carrier west of Aleppo
– Reuters: Iran exploited the earthquake aid delivered to the regime to smuggle weapons
– Syria Response Coordinators Team’s final report on the losses of the earthquake in liberated areas:
4,256 killed; 12,000 injured; 1.8 million affected; 2 billion USD losses; 2,171 destroyed building; 5,344 unsafe building