– The exchange of bombardment between the US forces and Iranian militia in Syria continues
– The toll of bombardment after two days: one US member is killed and 8 others are injured, while 19 members of the Iranian militia are killed
– The US President: we do not seek a conflict with Iran, but we are ready to protect our people with force
– US Congresspeople criticize the weak US response to the Iranian attacks
– New York Times: US investigation on loopholes in the air defense system in Syria
– Iranian militia are on alert and they evacuate their locations in the east of Syria
– 600 foreign military bases, half of which are iranians
– The regime bombs Deir Ezzor Countryside, killing a woman and her daughter
– 2 regime soldiers are killed by a landmine east of Hama
– 4 civilians are injured by the explosion of a landmine in the desert, west of Deir Ezzor
– The USA: Russia is misleading the world with misinformation about the regime’s use of chemical weapons
– The 12th anniversary of the most popular scenes of the Syrian Revolution: a Homsi protester tears up with his foot a poster of Hafez al-Assad