– President of UAE welcomes Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asmaa al-Assad in Abu Dhabi
– Asmaa, who is under international sanctions, travels out of Syria for the first time in 12 years
– The Ukrainian President: 1. Russia has destroyed Syrian cities as it is destroying Ukrainian cities now
2. Most of the aggressiveness of Putin in Ukraine is coming from the impunity he had for the crimes he perpetrate in Syria
– COI calls for holding the perpetrators of atrocities in Syria to account
– A leader affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement is killed near Damascus. The Movement accuses Israel.
– A rain storm hits the north of Syria leading to floods and causing damages to IDPs and their tents
– Lebanese citizens beat up a Syrian regime officer who is accused of perpetrating atrocities in Syria
– Turkey arrests 3 Turkish officers accused of killing and torturing Syrians trying to cross the borders illegally
– Disputes between the regime and the Lebanese Hezbollah over drug trafficking and transporting